This drawing was completed last year in June. It was commissioned as a retirement gift and is from the retiree’s (Cyril) favourite photo of his father at work. It was commissioned by his work colleagues at the School of Natural Sciences at the National University of Ireland Galway. Cyril’s father died in 2016 and ran his business Carroll’s Electrical in Ennistymon since 1952.
The drawing is larger in size at 45 x 35 cm. There was a lot of detail in the reference photograph and I wanted to capture all the interesting products in the background of the man’s (John) shop. His face is also full of detail and the expression is just wonderful. I wanted to capture all the detail and folds of his skin, his eyes full of expression and wit and the slight smile. He looks very content and busy at work just looking up for a quick photograph.
Needless to say, the drawing took some time to complete. The process, even though long, was very enjoyable. There is something about old photographs taken with a traditional camera that draws you in and offers less in terms of detail but more in terms of atmosphere. This translates really well into a pencil drawing I feel giving the image another dimension.
The client was very happy with the finished portrait and even emailed me a lovely photograph of the drawing after he framed it.
Morning Ivana, I am currently looking at this on my phone. You have taken my breath away with this image. It is so alive with personality. If I am this moved Cyril will be stunned…
…The impact is still the same but I have been captivated by the detail you have managed to include. Showed two of my colleagues and they are equally impressed with the personality that jumps from the image…
…Morning Ivana, I collected the finished art work from our mail room this morning. I have to say it felt like a Christmas morning unwrapping a present you hoped would meet expectations. It has met and exceeded those expectations and revealed in all its glory it really is so alive to the photographic moment but with such personality. Thank you again so much you are an extra ordinary talent.
Mike, Galway, Ireland
Edit 28th March 2022:
I received a lovely email from Mike, my client, on Friday last. He presented the drawing to Cyril and it was very well received. This is what he wrote:
Morning Ivana! I do hope this finds you well and safe. It has been 9 months since we last communicated and I am happy to report that we finally managed to get your splendid drawing to Cyril by courier today. The presentation was made this morning at our monthly staff meeting with Cyril joining us to say his official farewell. He opened the package in front of us and his reaction was everything I could have hoped for so respect to you and your work. He then took the drawing and camera in to show his (now 100-year-old ?) mum who was equally impressed and gave us all a big wave. Unfortunately, I have no photograph of the event to send you but hopefully I have captured the moment in words. Thank you again so much and be assured that I have been singing your praises ( and passing on your website) to all interested parties.
Mike, NUI Galway, Ireland