I have started working on this new portrait today. It is of Holly the lovely King Charles. The portrait is 8 x 12 inches in size and is drawn with graphite pencils on Fabriano paper. I am also using some tinted pencils to add colour into the portrait. Below is a photograph of the first…
German Shepherd Portrait
I have finished working on the latest portrait today. It is of Zeus, the lovely german shepherd that I have been working on for the last few days. It is 25 x 35 cm in size painted on stretched canvas. I just love his majestic pose and I wanted to capture that in the painting….
German Shepherd Portrait in Progress
The studio has been so busy lately I have not found the time to post updates on new artwork. Well, here is the latest one I am working on: an acrylic painting of a lovely german shepherd called Zeus. He really is gorgeous and I am enjoying the painting process so much I simply had…
Retriever Portrait
Today I have finished the retriever portrait I have been working on for the past few days. Roxy is so beautiful and her fur colour is really rich. I wanted to capture her lovely personality and colouring in the portrait. I really took my time with this painting and I hope the it shows in…
Retriever Portrait
Hello everybody. I know, I know, I haven’t been posting on the blog for such a long time… But I am back and very busy working on lots of new and exciting portraits. I will post all the recently finished portraits soon, but for now, this is a new one I have been working on…
Golden Labrador Portrait
Today, I have finished working on Goldie’s portrait, the last Christmas commission. I have scanned it and it is ready to be collected by the client tomorrow. I think it worked out pretty well and I hope the client will like it too. The portrait is going to be a Christmas gift and is 30…
Golden Labrador Portrait – step 2
Below is an up-to-date photo of the portrait of Goldie, the golden labrador I am currently working on. I have put a colour wash over the portrait and I will now start detailing individual areas together with adding the background. The background will be a simple shaded one to compliment colours I am using in…
Golden Labrador Portrait – step 1
With the secret commission finished (images coming after Christmas :)), I am now working on a portrait of the most gorgeous golden labrador called ‘Goldie’. Her portrait is going to be a Christmas present for her owner. The portrait is painted with acrylics on stretched canvas and is 30 x 30 cm in size. I…
Yorkshire Terrier Portrait
I have now finished working on Max’s portrait. It was really enjoyable, as Max the yorkshire terrier is so cute in the reference photograph. I just love the way he is running towards the camera all happy and bouncy. I have detailed his fur based on other reference photograph I got from the client and…
Yorkshire Terrier Portrait – step 2
I have progressed on Max’s portrait and below is a photograph of what the painting is looking like now. I have put down some basic colours throughout the canvas which will give a great base for detailed work. I have not used white yet and I will start putting in highlights in the next step,…